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March Prayer Letter

We are praising the Lord for the rains he has sent to Uganda this week! There has been a severe drought here and the paper today reported that 11 million Ugandans face starvation. From the Ugandan News “A Uganda National Meteorological Authority report says more than half of Uganda is now in an exceptional drought and that current drought conditions are the worst in the country’s history.” Please continue to pray for rain with us!

Please pray for a young lady who was in one of our facilities when she was quite young. She was resettled and we have been sponsoring her so she can attend school. Our social worker went to her village last week to check up on her and her parents reported that she went missing the day before! We desperately want her safe return to her family.

We hosted a wonderful team from Germany and the United States last week. It was made up of four mothers and four teenage children. They worked in the facilities with us joining in worship, teaching songs, sharing Bible stories, teaching crochet and knitting, playing volleyball, and sharing the love of Jesus with the kids. They also provided paint and worked alongside people in Bwerenga to paint Hope International School! They were truly a breath of fresh air!

Oh how I wish each of you could join our staff every Monday and Thursday morning! Dr. Ray plays the guitar and Ivan, our nurse, plays the drum as we sing worship songs, share God’s word and pray for the children we serve. It is such a sweet time of fellowship. Next week we are going to start sharing our testimonies and I can’t wait to hear the stories of the incredible people I have the privilege of working alongside.

I’ll close with the story of one of our resettled boys. “Paul” completed his prison sentence and was ready to return home. However, when our social worker Diana went to his village to talk to his family, they all hid. They were afraid to receive Paul back. Diana went to the local authorities and told them about Paul and how he had been reformed while he was in prison. The authorities talked to the family and they finally said they would take him back. A few weeks later he went home. We sponsored him so he could attend school. Diana went for the six month follow-up last week. The family said they absolutely could not believe that Paul was the same young man! They said he is a hard worker, so willing to help the family and working hard in school. He wants to come back out to prison to encourage the boys to give them hope and a future.

“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news?” Romans 10:14-15

Thank you for your faithful prayers! The Lord continues to open doors of ministry in the prison system here!

The team in front of the school they painted


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